The parish offers catechesis for individuals in grades Kindergarten through High School. The program meets, in-person, on Sunday mornings from 10:40 to 11;50 AM. If you are new to the parish, please contact us at 301-249-1167 or via email.
Held on virtually on Thursday evenings from 7-8 PM via Google Meet. Email Mrs. Rozanski to obtain the Google Meet Link.
The OCIA journey is marked by four distinct periods:
Inquiry - It is a time to ask questions about the ultimate meaning of life and about the Catholic Church.
Catechumenate - One is welcomed to a deeper discovery and understanding of the teachings and doctrines of the Church. This is the period of preparation for reception into the full life of the Church. This is usually a period of six to nine months prior to Lent when the catechumens prepare to receive Baptism, Confirmation and Communion. For those who already baptized Christians, the second period is the time of Candidacy.
Election - This is the time when the Catechumens are called to a personal and interior commitment. They have made a long journey and are called to declare their readiness and desire to enter into full union with the Church. Those unbaptized are no longer Catechumens but are called the Elect.
Mystagogia - The final period is one of deepening in the faith. They have experienced the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Communion and Confirmation. They are neophytes or the newly enlightened.
OCIA is open to those who have never been baptized (Catechumens) and those who were baptized in a non-Catholic Church (Candidates for Full Communion). RCIA is also an opportunity for adult Catholics who would like to re-acquaint themselves with what we believe as Catholic Christians. Interested individuals can contact the rectory at 301-249-2266.